Annual  Native American Recreation Education Conference
April 29 - May 2, 1998  *    Albuquerque, NM
Information for the conference


"Helping to Stop a Killer: The Correlation Between Recreation and Diabetes."
April 29, 1998  -  Indian Pueblo Cultural Center
Presented by the
American Recreation Resource and Education Center, Inc (ARREC)
at the 1998 Native American Recreation Education Conference.
These Classes are part of the curriculum of the
Native American Recreation & Sport Institute (NARSI)
April 29th, 1998   Indian Pueblo Cultural Center, Albuquerque, NM
Recreation is not a luxury.  It is an essential element to good physical and mental health.
Leaders and Department Directors are Invited to Attend this NARSI Open Session.
 The Number one killer disease within the Native American Indian population is Diabetes.  The costs of the disease when equated to human pain, suffering, and loss are very high.  The financial drain on American Indian budgets is dreadful.  The impact which nutrition, exercise, recreational activities, and other preventative measures have on the health of tribal members will be part of the conference discussions.  The sharing of ideas from individuals involved with successful programs will also be a part of a full-day dedicated to the fight against diabetes.

For further information call (317) 604-1649
or e-mail to
To register, print this page on your printer, fill out and mail to the address below.

Name_________________________    Dept____________________     Tribe___________________________ 

Address_______________________________    State______    Zip_____________    Phone_______________ 

Fax___________________    Amount Enclosed $____________  (Checks Payable to ARREC) 

Mail To: 
ARREC, 1547 N State St., Greenfield, IN  46140
Phone: 317-604-1649      Fax: 317-604-1649
Registration Fee:  $135.00 per person (pre-paid) which includes registration reception, continental breakfast, lunch, study materials and textbook,  and refreshment breaks. 

Registration Deadline:  April 4th, 1998 
Limited Seating - Register Early!

Headquarters Hotel: 
Rio Grande Inn - Albuquerque 
Ask about the Special Rate for ARREC/NARSI 
Reservation Deadline:  April 4th, 1998
ARREC More Info by Email? NARSI Conference '98
Circle of Hope Golf Tournament Circle of Hope Registration Form Misc Conf Information Conference Registration Forms
