Native American Recreation Education Conference
August 24-28, 1999 Indianapolis, IN
Conference Registration
-- Misc. Conference
Presented by the
American Recreation Resource and Education Center,
Leaders and Department Directors are Invited to Attend.
The conference will tee-off
with the Circle of Hope Golf Classic (COH), an annual fund-raising event
for ARREC and the NARSI programs. Proceeds from the tournament will
support the current NAREC and NARSI programs. The
Fort Golf Course in Indianapolis is the site for this year’s tournament.
The course is located just minutes from the hotel at the Fort Harrison
State Park.
Conference registration begins Wednesday, August 25, 7:30 a.m. at the Omni Indianapolis North Hotel. The first day includes a Panel Presentation, Roundtable Discussions, and a Question and Answer session.
The NARSI youth coach class
(NAYRSC), a requirement for attendance at the Basketball Youth Coach Clinic
is Thursday, August 26. The clinic is early Friday morning at the
Boys and Girls Club in Greenfield, IN. It will be followed by an
East Meets West Coed Basketball Game among the clinic participant,.
plus a picnic and
a "pick-up"
lacrosse game
including all the conference attendees.
The Saturday, August 28 agenda is a class which many individuals requested: Grant Writing.
Plan on participating in the 1999 Conference. Many individuals
have commented on the useful knowledge gained by attending the annual event.
Feel free to call the ARREC office for contact information about some one
who experienced the classes, clinics, and the sharing of ideas at a previous
Conference Instructors and Panelists
Confirmations from several of the instructors and panel members are arriving daily. Back by popular demand is Billy Keller, a Purdue University All American, first Nasmith award winner, and a member of the ABA Indiana Pacer Championship Team. Billy conducted the Basketball Youth Sport Coach Clinic in Connecticut in 1997. He received fantastic reviews and there has been numerous requests for a repeat of his clinic. The Honorary Coaches for the game that follows will be quite a surprise!
Several panel members have confirmed. They include Bruce W. Montey, Sr., Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation; Bo Young, Seminole Tribe of Florida; Jody McCloud, Reno-Sparks Indian Community; and, Judy Fulwilder, Gila River Indian Community. Several other panelists have also been ask to participate, however, confirmation has not yet been received.
Rebecca V. Martin (Acoma), ARREC Board of Advisors, will conduct the Grant Writing class. She has had several years of successfully securing funding.
Several past NARSI attendees have been asked to "student teach" during
a special segment of the NAYRSC class. They will share how they developed
their departments; what worked and what did not succeed; and, the ways
in which they have been able to implement the information they learned
by participating in NARSI’s NAYRSC and NAYRSA curriculums.
This is all part of the concept of exchanging ideas, sharing knowledge,
and networking.
Registration Deadline: August 6th, 1999
Limited Seating - Register Early! |
Omni Indianapolis North Hotel 317-849-6668 Ask about the Special Rate for ARREC/NARSI Reservation Deadline: August 6th, 1999 |
Call, Fax, or E-mail a Friend about the '99 Conference
We Welcome Youth Sports Leaders From Canada and Mexico to Attend.
For further information call (317) 604-1649
or e-mail to
ARREC | More Info by Email? | NARSI | Conference '99 |
Circle of Hope Golf Tournament | Circle of Hope Registration Form | Conference '98 | Conference Registration Forms |
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